Last week we shot 15 burlesque dancers (and Heath) for a promo that the lovely Anni Betts designed. I just love these girls so much they were the most adorable, sexy, confident super-women and I thank them SO MUCH for being a part of it! Stay tuned for details I am hosting a burlesque party to help spread the word about the great new space. We also just returned from a weekend up in Ashland Wisconsin photographing Rachel Campos and Sean Duffy of Real World fame for an editorial piece. They are also adorable and had super cute kids that made for a short and sweet session. I must plug the fantastic B&B we camped at overnight, The Inn at Timber Cove. If you have a chance, totally go there. The Summer Kitchen room was super cute and quiet (just what we needed!) but I can't say enough about the breakfast. There was enough food for 5 people and we weren't hungry for about 8 hour which is a serious record for me. That's all for now, sorry for all the thanks and shameless plugs, I just gotta give my people props!