
Migrating Blog

After much thought about how to continue my blogging, I have decided to move my recent work news over to my wordpress blog here:


You can view my archives here, but please visit me there for recent posts, thanks!


Contributors Page

Its always an honor to be listed on the contributors page, special thanks to On Wall Street for putting me there this month.  As is my favorite technique these days, we shot this using all natural light.


New Portraits

I had the pleasure of working with some new models yesterday in the studio, here are some of my favorites


More new corporate work

This one was for a web redesign and the site turned out really great.  There is nothing better than clients who simply allow me do my best work.


New corporate work

Here are a few from some recent corporate projects I had the pleasure of working on. I should have some more of these soon but will post these now while I have a minute:


Living Art

I went to see Alexx Henry speak at Columbia College last night to present his work and discuss the concept of 'living art' which uses motion/video technology to create an extension of a photograph.  Robert actually went out to a conference where he spoke in LA in August of 2009 and the information really inspired us to take the leap and create these three pieces as our own foray into video.  These were really the catalyst and inspiration to start working more seriously with the medium so I thought I would repost them here.

The Burlesque piece has been living ever since on the Vaudezilla website which is a great example of a potential client application in the future.